Ishur Ninku – Listen

Ishur NinkuSome of you may be familiar with my musical project called Ishur Ninku.  I wanted to take a moment to ask you to check out the new Ishur Ninku website and perhaps “Like” it on Facebook.

Ishur Ninku is a an ambient/electronic musical project that I’ve worked on over the years.  This past week, I rebuilt the website as the previous one was quite terrible!

You can listen to the tunes and read more about the CD, “Contemplation: A Collection” there.  Of course the CD is available from CDBaby , Zophim Records or Amazon and MP3s wherever downloads are sold, including iTunes and Amazon.

So if you have a moment, please stop in and visit and like us at!  Keep checking these pages for news on an upcoming new Ishur Ninku album.

You hear a sample right here ->