Welcome to the Crag of the Wild Goats‘ home. The new album, Mark of the John, is released April 23, 2024. It is available wherever you get your streaming music. CDs can be purchased here.

And for your holiday listening woes, A Craggy Christmas (Vol 1) has been released on December 6, 2024. You will find it on streaming services everywhere and links will be here.

2025 continues John’s story. The first two songs to be released will be stupid hero songs that tell the infamous stories of his failed attempts at being a super hero. John the Corn Cob Man and The DooDoo Man will head your way in the first couple months of the year and will feature the immensely talented Justin DeTie (Jambi’s Revenge) on guitar and bass.

Read some Craggy Comments and find out what people are saying about the Crags.


Release Date: January 10, 2025

John the Corn Cob Man: A Stupid Hero Song

Words and Music by Rick Mester
Keyboards and Vocals – Rick Mester
Guitars and Bass – Justin DeTie
Mixed by Jimmy P Brown II
Mastered by Rick Mester

Credits and Lyrics are here


Release Date: December 6, 2024

1 Johnny Christmas

Word and Music by Rick Mester
Instruments and Vocals – Rick Mester
Female Voice – Shawna Sonntag
Cover Art Design – Shawna Sonntag
Mixed and Mastered by Rick Mester

2 Johnny and the Reindeer Ban

Word and Music by Rick Mester
Instruments and Vocals – Rick Mester
Cover Art Design – Shawna Sonntag
Mixed and Mastered by Rick Mester

Credits/Lyrics are here.


The Crags are a fun side project and the result of writing without boundaries. I hope you enjoy and get a laugh or two.

Here are a few links to grab yours:
Apple Music
Amazon Music
YouTube Music
Old School? Here are CDs

For your listening woes, here is a sampler of the album.

Track listing
1 The Bradbarian (Lyrics)
2 Johnny, Smoked Salami (Lyrics)
3 The John Song (Lyrics)
4 John and the Raccoon Fight (Lyrics)
5 The John Cult (Lyrics)
6 Lonnie, Lonnie, Johnny (Lyrics)
7 Johnny Hop and the Rabid Beagle (Lyrics)
8 Hey John (Lyrics)
9 Johnny Didn’t Have 2 (Lyrics)
10 Hostile Johnny (Lyrics)

Instruments and Vocals – Rick Mester except where noted

Where Noted
Bass on The John SongTJ Burch
Most Drums – Apple AI

Engineered, Produced, Mixed and Mastered by Rick Mester
Words and Music by Rick Mester


The Bradbarian

I am not typing all these lyrics!


Johnny, Johnny Smoked Salami

Johnny, Johnny smoked salami

Granny, granny, granny panties

Johnny don’t you touch that fanny

It might be very dirty

Johnny, Johnny smoked salami

Granny, granny, granny panties

Dirty, dirty, dirty Manny

Johnny don’t you touch that fanny


The John Song

Johnny is a gigalo

Johnny is the man

Johnny slap your mama

Like only Johnny can

Johnny in the backyard

Johnny on the streets

Johnny wins the bets

And Johnny never cheats

Johnny likes Yes

Johnny likes Kansas

Johnny steals the shirts

Belonging to the fanses

Johnny says hello

Johnny says goodbye

the ladies at bingo

Say my oh my

Johnny doing work

Johnny understands

Johnny drink his soda 

From that Pringles can

Johnny pet the dog

Johnny pet the cat

When he goes outside

He likes to wear a hat

Johnny’s got eyes

and Johnny’s got class

When she walks away

He stares at her arm

Johnny’s got some oatmeal

Johnny’s got some feed

Johnny won’t talk to you 

Til he’s peed

Johnny got a coat

He never gets cold

His pea’s pudding in the pot

TEN days old

Johnny spells his name

And Johnny zips his fly

Johnny uses vowels

And sometimes Y

Johnny knows Mark

And Johnny knows licky

Johnny knows rhymes

Are often tricky

Johnny got some posters

Johnny got some comic books

Johnny at the music store

Given people dirty looks

Johnny in your house

Johnny saw your ferret

Johnny got an eye patch

But he never wears it

Johnny got some overalls

Johnny got some pants

Johnny got a backache

He ain’t gonna dance

Johnny likes birds

And Johnny likes swans

Johnny likes Tony

Orlando and Dawn

Johnny like sugar

And Johnny likes spice

Johnny thinks this song

Is very, very nice


John and the Raccoon Fight

Johnny wasn’t listening, no he had on his phones

Struttin’ down the alleyway, heading for his home

Had Chex mix in his pocket and a soda in his hand

Had a fistful of Slim Jims and some overactive glands

Man that raccoon smelled him, I know it might sound corny

That raccoon came a runnin’, and man it looked real horny

Johnny kept on walkin’, and when he tried to pass

That raccoon jumped on up and bit him on his leg

The next day Johnny looked and saw the coast was clear

Today he had no jerky and nothing left to fear

He closed the door behind him and strolled down to the street

But his stomach tightened up when he saw that garbage at his feet

He looked left, and he looked right and he saw that toppled trash bin

Laying on it’s side and the lid was hanging open

Cautiously he approached it and much to his dismay

A little head rose up and growled and ruined his day


The John Cult

In our travels following the trail of our friend John,

We stumbled upon a tribe of indigenous mountain hippies.

John had passed through their village and they marveled at his extensive knowledge of Jerry Garcia.  So they adopted him as one of their gods.  We hid in a bush and watched as they danced and sang around some poor woman who was pooping in a hole.  Let’s listen in.

John, Jo-o-o-o-ohn, Jo-o-o-o-ohn.

Oh John, oh John, ya ya ya ya.


Lonnie, Lonnie Johnny

Lonnie, Lonnie, Johnny, Johnny (x4)

Never mind what he did to his cat (x4)

Squibbles is mean, Squibbles don’t care.  Squibbles throws up the balls made of hair (x2)

Johnny gonna scratch, Johnny gonna sniff.  Then he gonna ask you if you’ll take a whiff (x2)

Johnny is a tried and true humdinger.  Can’t recommend that you pull his finger (x2)

Lonnie, Lonnie, Johnny, Johnny

Peanut Butter

Johnny may not be a shop foreman, but he got a call from Larry Norman (x2)

Johnny got caught looking at the girl.  You know the one, she looks like Minnie Pearl (x2)

Johnny got a friend, his name is Don.  He want’s to know what to do with John (x2)

Everybody sing, come sing along.  Everybody sing this song about John (x6)

Aw yeah, Grandma knows.  She don’t care where everybody goes

Lonnie, Lonnie, Johnny, Johnny

Peanut Butter


Johnny Hop and the Rabid Beagle

Multi-colored dog, white tipped tail

Johnny going out gonna get his mail

He heard that beagle howl

It loosened up his bowels

It’s foaming at the mouth

And running down it’s jowls

Boom, bang, boom-boom, bang

Rabid beagle no mercy for you

Rabid beagle, doo dee doo

Rabid beagle, lookin pretty sick

Rabid beagle, bit him on his..  uh..  thing

Now John’s gettin shots, down in his gullet

Rabies took his health, Brett Hull had a mullet

That dog’s sill in the streets, prowlin’ and plottin’

His eyes are red and his teeth are rotten

Boom, bang, boom-boom, bang

Rabid beagle no mercy for you

Rabid beagle, doo dee doo

Rabid beagle, lookin pretty sick

Rabid beagle, bit him on his..  uh..  thing


Hey John

(Backward masking)

Hey John


John (x a lot)

Johnny B, Johnny B, Johnny B, Ooo Ooo (x2)

Hey John


John (x a lot)

Johnny B, Johnny B, Johnny B, Ooo Ooo (x2)

(more backward masking)


Johnny Didn’t Have 2

Hello my name is Johnny

I’m here to sing this song

Everything is right now

And nothing seems to be wrong

You close the door 

To keep me out

And now I’m going to 

Scream and shot

I’m out here 

and you’re in there

Standing here in my underwear

Hey Hey, it’s the day today!

Hey Hey, it’s the way you say it!

I wasn’t going to kill you

Till you saw me in your closet

I was eating Milk Duds

And wearing your black corset

I was afraid you’d tell my mother

And I’d be so embarrassed, yes

So now I have to smother you

With this pillow I think it’s best

Hey Hey, it’s the day today!

Hey Hey, it’s the way you say it!


Hostile Johnny

Johnny wear a shirt with a big skull

He got really mad when he found that hole

Man he really, really, really loved that shirt 

Much more than the one with Ernie and Bert

And time goes by and life slips down the drain

The Bradbarian is a hostile dude

He called Chuck Norris just to start a feud

I saw the vengeance in his eyes

You caught the stench from ‘neath his thighs

You never listen to his lies

You’ll never find out his disguise

Johnny is precise, he won’t bungle

Runs around the woods like George of the Jungle

Beats up all the trees with his face

Spreading out terror all over the place

And time goes by and life slips down the drain

The Bradbarian is a hostile guy

He’ll beat up your grandma and steal her pie

I saw the vengeance in his eyes

You caught the stench from ‘neath his thighs

You never listen to his lies

You’ll never find out his disguise


(c) (p) 2024 Sombrant Reality Productions/ASCAP for Zophim Records/ZR-JDB1