Cold So Cold

When I read stories such as Hillsong United songwriter, Marty Sampson, losing his faith, I am reminded of the Scripture in Matthew 24:12.  “Because iniquity will multiply, the love of many will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end will be delivered. This good news of the kingdom will be proclaimed in all the world as a testimony to all nations. And then the end will come.”

For so long my love has grown cold, so in no way do I judge Marty.  But now I really cannot imagine a worse fate for the Christian.  Our love is a reciprocal phenomena that occurs in our relationship with our Abba.  It is the most crucial reason for our Salvation.  We love (if and when we do) because He FIRST loved us.  An understanding (no matter how small) of His pursuant love for us will elicit a response from our souls.  And He made the first move.  

When my love has grown cold, it has always been because my focus left my Abba and His affection while I focused on the injustice that is this world.  But our Father specializes in using the unworthy to save the world.  And I am as unworthy as it gets.  

I like what Jesus says here in Matthew though.  We need to endure til the end.  The result will be that the ‘good news’ will be preached to all nations.  Simply put, the good news is the love and grace of the Father God.  His Son’s work on this earth is 100% reflective of the Father’s love for us.  We can be rescued because our Abba adores us.   

The love and grace of Abba will be taught and embraced by people in all nations before the end.  And we need to be there because Abba’s love simply cannot be bottled up and kept to ourselves.

I pray that we hold fast to even the smallest understanding of Abba’s relentless love for us so that we can help everyone to understand and embrace it.  It is our only hope.  But it is a perfect, blessed hope.